Job Description (JD)

Nama ProgramPENGURUSAN PENTAS [R900-007-5:2021]
Kod CUR900-007-5:2021-C05
Tajuk CUStage Performance Management
Penerangan CUStage Performance Management describes the competencies required to handle show checklist, organise production's run, coordinate production team activities and organise pre-show and post-show talent activities.

The person who is competent in this CU should be able to perform overall show checks, supervise production run, coordinate show performance and monitor post-show activities.

The outcomes of this CU are managers and employees have a clear and consistent system within which to work that, productivity will increased and to develop the capacity of individuals to meet the expectations of the productions according to stage management guideline.
Tempoh Latihan220
Objektif PembelajaranThe learning outcomes of this competency unit are trainees capable to ensure managers and employees have a clear and consistent system within which to work that, productivity will increased and to develop the capacity of individuals to meet the expectations of the productions according to stage management guideline.

Upon completion of this competency unit, trainees should be able to:
1. Perform overall show checks.
2. Supervise production run.
3. Coordinate show performance.
4. Monitor post-show activities.
Pra-SyaratNot Available