Job Description (JD)
Nama Program | Pengurusan Penyelenggaraan Persenjataan [C331-008-5:2019] |
Kod CU | C331-008-5:2019-C03 |
Competency | Core |
Penerangan CU | Firearm and Ammunition (FAA) Staff Career Development describes the competency in career development of the staffs under his care in performing their jobs and development of competencies for future career progress. The person who is competent in this CU should be able to prepare staff career progression and succession plan, conduct staff performance appraisal and conduct staff coaching. The outcome of this CU is staff’s career progression and succession plan are developed within their job function or outside their current job function in pursuing their competencies and interest. |
Tempoh Latihan | 170 |
Objektif Pembelajaran | The outcome of this competency unit is staff’s career progression and succession plan are developed within their job function or outside their current job function in pursuing their competencies and interest. Upon completion of this competency unit, trainees should be able to: 1. Prepare staff career progression and succession plan. 2. Conduct staff performance appraisal. 3. Conduct staff coaching. |
Pra-Syarat | 0 |