Job Description (JD)
Nama Program | Pengurusan Kerja Sosial [Q889-002-5:2019] |
Kod CU | Q880-5:2018-C03 |
Competency | Core |
Penerangan CU | Social Work Research describes the competencies required to develop and modify theory and contribute to the social work knowledge base. The person who is competent in this CU shall be able to identify social work research materials, perform research method and report research findings. The outcome of this CU is to apply research to investigate problems and generate potential solutions that emphasize social work practice. |
Tempoh Latihan | 460 |
Objektif Pembelajaran | The outcome of this competency unit is to apply research to investigate problems and generate potential solutions that emphasize social work practice. Upon completion of this competency unit, trainees shall be able to: 1. Identify social work research materials. 2. Perform research method. 3. Report research findings. |
Pra-Syarat | NO |