Senarai Program
Memaparkan 1-17 daripada 17 items.
Bil | Nama Program [Kod Program] | Penarafan Tunggal 2023 | Kategori Pentauliahan | Jenis Kelulusan | Kapasiti | Tarikh Mula | Tarikh Tamat | Seksyen/Sektor | Bahagian/Kumpulan |
1 | Penyemburan Cat Automotif [TP-306-3:2012] | - | Tahap Tunggal | Lulus | 100 | 01-07-2022 | 30-06-2025 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
2 | Penyelia Awam & Struktur [CVS3] | - | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 75 | 22-06-2022 | 21-06-2025 | F - CONSTRUCTION | 410-Construction of buildings |
3 | PEMBINAAN LANSKAP [F439-002-2:2017] | - | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 25 | 06-01-2023 | 05-01-2026 | F - CONSTRUCTION | 439-Other specialized construction activities |
4 | PENYELIAAN PEMBINAAN LANSKAP [F439-002-3:2017] | - | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 25 | 06-01-2023 | 05-01-2026 | F - CONSTRUCTION | 439-Other specialized construction activities |
5 | SERVIS DIAGNOSTIK – KENDERAAN RINGAN [G452-002-3:2018] | - | Tahap Tunggal | Lulus | 100 | 06-01-2023 | 05-01-2026 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
6 | Operasi Servis Selepas Jualan – Kenderaan Bermotor [G452-002-4:2017] | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 50 | 06-01-2023 | 05-01-2026 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles | |
7 | Pengurusan Servis Selepas Jualan – Kenderaan Bermotor [G452-002-5:2017] | - | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 25 | 06-01-2023 | 05-01-2026 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
8 | KENDERAAN PERDAGANGAN – SERVIS DIAGNOSTIK [G452-001-3:2017] | Tahap Tunggal | Lulus | 100 | 06-01-2023 | 05-01-2026 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles | |
9 | Operasi Servis Selepas Jualan – Kenderaan Bermotor [G452-002-4:2017] | - | Tahap Tunggal | Lulus | 25 | 06-01-2023 | 05-01-2026 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
10 | PENYELENGGARAAN JENTERA TOLAK TANAH [TP-100-3:2013] | - | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 100 | 25-01-2024 | 24-01-2027 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
11 | Lukisan Pelan Senibina [BC-050-3:2013] | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 75 | 25-01-2024 | 24-01-2027 | M - PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES | 711-Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy | |
12 | PERKHIDMATAN PEMBAIKAN – KENDERAAN RINGAN [G452-002-2:2018] | - | Data Cleaning | Lulus | 100 | 06-01-2023 | 05-01-2026 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
13 | Operasi Servis Selepas Jualan – Kenderaan Bermotor [G452-002-4:2017] | - | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 60 | 16-01-2025 | 15-01-2028 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
14 | Pembaikan Badan Kenderaan Automotif [G452-006-3:2019] | - | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 90 | 16-01-2025 | 15-01-2028 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
15 | Pengemasan & Pengecatan Semula Kenderaan [G452-005-3:2019] | - | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 90 | 16-01-2025 | 15-01-2028 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
16 | Servis Kereta Elektrik dan Hibrid [G452-007-3:2019] | - | Tahap Tunggal | Lulus | 30 | 16-01-2025 | 15-01-2028 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
17 | Pengetukan Panel Kenderaan [TP-311-3:2013] | - | Tahap Tunggal | Lulus Bersyarat | 100 | 25-01-2024 | 24-01-2027 | G - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE, REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES | 452-Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |