Senarai Program
Memaparkan 1-5 daripada 5 items.
Bil | Nama Program [Kod Program] | Penarafan Tunggal 2023 | Kategori Pentauliahan | Jenis Kelulusan | Kapasiti | Tarikh Mula | Tarikh Tamat | Seksyen/Sektor | Bahagian/Kumpulan |
1 | Proses Kimpalan Arka Kepingan Logam [MC-024-3:2012] | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 100 | 30-04-2023 | 29-04-2026 | C - MANUFACTURING | 259-Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metal working service activities | |
2 | PENGURUSAN TEKNOLOGI KIMPALAN [MC-024-4:2012] | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 25 | 27-05-2024 | 26-05-2027 | C - MANUFACTURING | 259-Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metal working service activities | |
3 | Proses Kimpalan Arka Kepingan Logam [MC-024-3:2012] | - | Modular | Lulus Bersyarat | 25 | 01-10-2024 | 30-09-2027 | C - MANUFACTURING | 259-Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metal working service activities |
4 | Perkhidmatan Rangkaian Komputer [IT-030-3:2013] | - | Modular | Lulus | 25 | 01-04-2024 | 31-03-2027 | J - INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION | 619-Other telecommunications activities |
5 | Pentadbiran Rangkaian Komputer [IT-030-4:2013] | Mengikut Tahap | Lulus | 25 | 29-01-2025 | 28-01-2028 | J - INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION | 620-Computer programming, consultancy and related activities |